How to make a Dakota fire hole

Building a Dakota fire hole is a great way to cook food or boil water without creating a lot of smoke and drawing attention to yourself. In just a few simple steps, you can build your own Dakota fire hole using materials that you likely already have on hand. So next time you’re planning a camping trip or preparing for a survival scenario, remember this helpful tip!

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How to prepare for a protest?

When it comes to protesting, the most important thing is to be prepared. Over the last couple of decades, we have seen a lot of peaceful protest movements subjected to police brutality. From the Arab spring to Black lives matter protests. From Hong Kong protests to protests in Pakistan. Everywhere, the state uses certain tactics to subdue peaceful and unarmed protesters.

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10 basic Urban flooding survival tips

When it rains hard, the sewers can’t handle all the water so it backs up and floods the streets. That’s urban flooding. Urban flooding can quickly turn into a flash flood that can end up destroying property and lives if people don`t take precautions. Which is why we have prepared these 10 urban flooding survival tips that you can prepare for, in case of an urban flooding survival scenario.

Here are ten tips to help you stay safe and dry during an urban flood:

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