Assassination Survival 101: Lessons from High-Profile Escapes

Assassination Survival 101: Lessons from High-Profile Escapes

The assassination attempt on former US President Donald Trump has left the world in shock. In light of this, we decided it’s a crucial time to examine recent assassination survival stories and create a comprehensive guide for those who might find themselves in similar situations in the future.

Why This Guide Matters

For anyone aspiring to become a future leader, understanding the nuances of personal security and how to survive a potential assassination attempt is paramount. By analyzing real-life incidents involving high-profile figures we can extract valuable lessons on vigilance, preparedness, and quick thinking.

Donald Trump Assassination Survival

Donald Trump, born on June 14, 1946, is a prominent American businessman and politician. He served as the 45th President of the United States from 2017 to 2021. Known for his bold and unconventional style, Trump has been a significant figure in both the business and political arenas. Before his presidency, he gained fame as a real estate developer and television personality. Trump’s presidency focused on policies such as tax reform, deregulation, and a strong stance on immigration, making him a highly influential and controversial figure in American politics.

The assassination attempt on former US President Trump, was a typical assassination plot. The gathering was held in an open area, the American flag flying right above the stage, indicating wind direction and speed and multiple vantage points for a sniper.

You don’t need to be a security expert to figure out that there were some serious security lapses in this whole event. The area was not fully secured, potential sniper points were not blocked and the secret service team looked pathetically under trained.

Let`s take a look at the map prepared by bbc, to analyse this further.

It can be seen that the assassin managed to get to a location which was probably the best sniping spot in the area.

Security experts, especially those who have experience of providing security detail to political leaders have a set of SOPs that clearly state that every sniping position within a given radius needs to be covered. You should have your security detail at every sniping spot and and additional force should be stationed to block all access points to the sniping spots as well.

This is a very basic security rule. Looking at how the failed assassination attempt unfolded, it seems like the secret service failed to block off access from ground and from other buildings, to this very obvious sniping point.

So the very first survival tip in this situation is to always sweep the area and have your men stationed at and block all sniping points. If you don`t do this in an open area gathering, then you are basically giving a free run to the assassin.

This did not happen in Donald Trump`s attempted assassination but luckily another possible factor came into play here.

Multiple eyewitness accounts show that people in the stands spotted the assassin moving on to the roof and they pointed this out to the police. This intervention by the crowd may have possibly disturbed the assassin causing him to shoot in haste.

Donald Trump survived by mere millimetres. He turned his head just in time, which made the bullet graze his right ear and miss. Had the assassin pulled the trigger just a nano second before or after that, he would have got his headshot.

One can`t really do much in such a situation except follow all the SOPs, which Donald Trump did once the bullet was fired. He dropped down instantly to avoid getting hit by more shots. The secret service quickly covered him but there is one mistake that they made.

High profile assassinations like this one almost always have secondary shooters and explosives. Some social media users have pointed out the possibility of another assassin stationed on the water tower, that can be seen in the map above.

Secret service are trained to think of these scenarios on the go but from the footage, it seems like the secret service was too quick to let Trump stand up in full view of the public.

Here you can see what a sloppy job the secret service did to secure Donald Trump, post the assassination attempt. They may have been wearing kevlar vests to protect him with their bodies but this not how you secure high profile targets in 2024. Kevlar protective shields are commonly used to create a bullet proof curtain around high profile individuals.

After a very brief examination of this assassination survival, we can say that the former US President survived due to his luck. The venue wasn`t secured, his head movement at the final moment saved him.

Imran Khan Assassination Survival

Imran Khan, born on October 5, 1952, is a prominent Pakistani politician and former cricket star. As the chairman of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party, he became Pakistan’s Prime Minister from 2018 to 2022. Known for his charisma and commitment to social justice, Khan’s leadership focuses on anti-corruption and economic reforms. His transition from a celebrated sportsman to a key political figure has made him a significant and influential personality in Pakistan’s modern history.

The former Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan survived an assassination attempt on 3rd November 2022, as he was leading a protest march in Pakistan.

Khan was leading the protest march atop his container truck, surrounded by his private security detail (because the state refused to provide adequate security to him) and supporters when multiple shooters opened fire on the truck. The biggest factor that contributed to Khan`s survival was the placement of his security detail. His private security guards (in civil clothes) were covering him from his left, right and back.

In the video above, you can see that the guy in white shirt, took multiple bullets which would have hit the former PM Khan on his upper body. Similarly the guy on his left, in black( a politician from his party) took 2 bullets on his body.

Based on eye witness reports, there were at least 2 assassins. One assassin was on the ground on the left of the truck, armed with a 9mm pistol. Another assassin, a sniper was apparently at some distance in an under construction building, armed with a rifle. Looking at this footage, there may have been more than 2 assassins.

From the videos we can see that people on both his left and right got hit with bullets. This indicates that assassins opened fire from both sides.

The shooter on ground, on the left side of the truck, was the first to open fire. Imran Khan took at least 6 bullets in his legs, which made him fall down. His security detail and supporters piled over him to protect him from further bullets or possibly an explosion. The second shooter also opened fire at the same time but he missed as Former PM Khan had already fallen.

This was yet another sure shot assassination attempt on a high profile target where the target got saved by a whisker.

Former PM Khan stated in multiple interviews that he fell down when he got hit in his legs and as he was falling, he could hear and fell bullets whizz past his head. Senator Faisal Javed, who got hit with a bullet fragment on his face, also reported the same detail. Bullets were coming from somewhere in front of the truck and these bullets were aimed at the upper body.

The shooter on ground, on the left side, probably fired a second earlier, creating a cascade of reactions and making it difficult or impossible for the secondary assassin to take aim. This may have saved the former PM Khan from sniper fire.

The shooter on ground was apprehended by Khan`s supporters and arrested but he managed to fatally shoot another supporter of Mr. Khan before being subdued by the crowd.

Meanwhile former PM Khan, who was bleeding profusely had to be shifted to a nearby hospital and this created another security hazard. First he had to be shifted from his private container into his car. With hundreds of protesters still around the container, this task was full of security risks.

As Khan came at the door of his container, he raised his fist in defiance and to indicate to his supporters that he was well, but he wasn`t. He was losing blood at an alarming rate. His security lifted him from his truck to his car, in full view of public. Although the supporters and guards provided enough cover to protect Khan from any sniper, he was still vulnerable to nearby assassins and suicide bombers.

Khan, underwent a surgery lasting many hours, where doctors extracted 6 bullets and multiple fragments. While Donald Trump`s attempted assassination attack had only one assassin, the attack on Imran Khan was a more complex attack, involving multiple assassins. Looking at this from a survival perspective, the placement of his security guards saved his life. Out of 13 injured persons, at least 3 took bullets that would have directly hit Khan on his upper body.

So far, we can see that falling down or ducking saved both Khan and Trump. However after the initial attack, secret service did a sloppy job of securing the president and similarly Khan`s personal security did not use Kevlar shields to make a protective curtain before transferring him to his car. The secondary assassin, who was never caught, could have easily had his shot, if the line of sight was clear.

Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel Assassination Survival

Bishop Emmanuel was attacked inside a Church on 15th April 2024, by a switch blade wielding attacker. He was attacked during a livestreamed prayer event. It can be seen that the attacker walked up to him and started stabbing him.

Even though the bishop saw him coming, he could not take any evasive measure. It can be seen that he used his hand to protect himself. The original video that`s available on youtube, shows that the bishop fell backwards and people quickly ran up to save him.

The bishop received injuries but survived. What could Bishop Emmanuel have done to survive this in a better manner? Probably not much. He could have reacted faster because the attacker took some time to walk over to him. But in this assassination scenario, the reaction of people who were seated in front of the bishop is more important. It can be seen from the video that the people reacted when they saw the attacker started stabbing the bishop. Had they been slightly more alert, they could have stopped him a few moments earlier. But the people cannot be blamed, you don`t go to church, all prepared for a stabbing attack.

However looking at this purely from a survival point of view, it is always better to be alert and on the look out for suspicious activity. Reaction time in a survival situation is everything.

Lee Jae Myung Assassination Survival

Lee Jae Myung was attacked during a press interaction. The attacker lunged at him and stabbed him on the left side of his neck. Although the attack was not fatal but it caused deep lacerations Myung’s neck and almost ruptured his jugular vein.

Myung was fortunate to be surrounded by a lot of people who quickly subdued the attacker. The assassin did what he could, he managed to rupture the jugular vein, but it was the presence of so many people that made the difference between life and death for Myung.

South Korean politics aren’t very charged or polarized, which is probably why their politicians do not have heavy state or private security, like in the case of Trump or Khan. But this assassination attempt indicates that at least some sort of security protocol should have been in place to make sure that a safe distance is maintained between a high profile figure and press or bystanders.

Cristina Fernández de Kirchner Assassination Survival

Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, born on February 19, 1953, is a prominent Argentine politician. She served as the President of Argentina from 2007 to 2015. Known for her strong leadership and advocacy for social welfare policies, Fernández de Kirchner has been a significant figure in Argentine politics. Her tenure as president was marked by economic reforms and efforts to reduce poverty, making her a pivotal and influential leader in Argentina’s modern history.

The assassination survival of Cristina Fernandez is very similar to Governor Myung’s. Like Governor Myung, she was attending a press talk when an assassin came up and pointed a gun at her head. Fortunately, the gun failed to fire and the people subdued the assassin.

Once again, you can see that a high profile target was meeting press without any security detail safe distance. This is an issue that popular leaders and politicians, whose job it is to be in the public and listen to their concerns. They have to interact with public but at the same time this interaction creates potential security lapses that can be fatal. One cannot forget how Shinzo Abe was assassinated in broad daylight by an assassin in close proximity.


Surviving an assassination attempt often comes down to a combination of luck, preparedness, and quick thinking.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Securing Sniping Points: Ensuring all potential sniping positions are covered and access points blocked is a fundamental security measure. This basic SOP can prevent an assassin from finding an easy vantage point.
  2. Crowd Vigilance: Eyewitnesses can play a critical role in identifying threats. As seen in Trump’s case, quick actions by the crowd can disrupt an assassin’s plan.
  3. Effective Security Detail: The placement and readiness of security personnel, as illustrated by Imran Khan’s incident, are crucial in protecting high-profile targets. Proper training and protocols can mean the difference between life and death.
  4. Rapid Response: In the event of an attack, the immediate reaction of both the target and surrounding individuals is vital. Quick, evasive actions and protective measures, as shown by Bishop Emmanuel and Lee Jae Myung, can save lives.
  5. Maintaining Safe Distances: High-profile individuals must balance public interaction with security. Ensuring a safe distance from potential threats, especially during public engagements, is essential.

In conclusion, while luck often plays a part in surviving assassination attempts, adhering to strict security protocols and maintaining high situational awareness are key strategies for anyone in the public eye. By learning from past incidents and continuously improving security measures, future leaders can better protect themselves against potential threats. Stay vigilant, stay prepared, and stay safe.

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